Susan Greenfield to Discuss Insights in Neuroscience in Capetown

7:38 AM

21st Century Mindset for a New Type of Leader to be Tackled

Read the latest Dr Susan Greenfield blog. Baroness Susan Greenfield is a neuroscientist whose studies have delved into the science of the mind. She also heads a research group that explores novel mechanisms in the brain that are linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. A broadcaster and an author, she is also a senior research fellow at Lincoln College in Oxford and has published several books on the science of the mind.

Professor Susan Greenfield is speaking at a Gartner event in Capetown. The symposium is a gathering of the world’s tops CIOs and senior executives in the IT industry.

The 2018 Gartner Symposium aims to explore strategic technologies and trends that are driving the transformation of the digital scene and shaping the future for both business and IT. The event is going to be attended by a mix of analysts from Gartner along with cutting-edge providers of solutions and industry experts. With their help, participants are expected to uncover numerous innovative ways that they can approach challenges as well as craft decisions with the necessary confidence, making them even better and more effective leaders in the process.

Baroness Greenfield’s speech is titled ‘A New Type of Leader for the 21st Century Mindset: Insights in Neuroscience’.

Baroness Susan Greenfield

In her speech, Baroness Greenfield is expected to discuss how human beings are not only born complemented with brain cells but that these cells are also able to connect with the cells and that these connections can grow. These growths account for brain growth after birth. They also reflect a unique sequence, an individual’s life story of interactions with the world outside and experiences. The phenomenon, which is known as plasticity, then leads towards the physical brain becoming personalised that then amounts to the mind.

With the digital world posing such unprecedented challenges at present especially to one’s well-being and emotion, there is a need to devise ways towards optimising fulfilment of the potential for each individual along with a corresponding new leadership type.

During the symposium, various topics will also be discussed such as artificial intelligence, data and analytics, culture, machine learning, cybersecurity, customer experience, and more. The 2018 Gartner Symposium will also help participants refine their strategies, hone their leadership skills, as well as find innovative technologies that will help them fully realise their digital transformation.

Learn more about insights in neuroscience on leadership mindset in the presence of new technology by reading about Baroness Susan Greenfield online here. You can also follow the Baroness Susan Greenfield Twitter page here and visit Baroness Susan Greenfield RIGB page to learn more about her work here. 

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